Is Local Honey Really The Healthiest Choice?


Pure, unheated, unfiltered, totally unprocessed and certified organic honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of “truly unadulterated” raw honey is absolutely astounding. Through numerous studies, this quality of honey has been proven to be more effective than drugs in treating many diseases. And, since it stores indefinitely and it tends to improve with age (like fine wine)… this top-notch standard for honey is what all of us need to include in our long-term food storage plan.


Here’s how bees make the viscous, sweet substance of honey. The bee collects a protein from the pollen and a carbohydrate from the thinnish, sugary liquid of nectar that it gets from flora plants. The nectar then goes into the bee’s “second stomach” (a.k.a. its honey sac). After ingestion, a special enzymatic reaction takes place within this sac. Once the sac is full, the bee returns to its hive. For approximately twenty minutes, the bees pass the nectar by mouth to other bees. During this process, additional enzymes come into play that further transform nectar into honey. Now, the bees deposit this nectar into the cells of the honeycomb, and then they use their wings to evaporate a large percentage of the liquid from the nectar.


Do you know that pure, unheated, unfiltered, totally unprocessed and certified organic honey contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and amino acids? It’s also immunostimulatory, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antidiabetic, anticancer, antiviral, antifungal along with wound healing. In addition to all its many other health benefits, research has even linked the consumption of pure raw honey with an improvement in the balance of our gut microbiome (the trillions of microorganisms and their genetic material that live in our intestinal tract).

How does your local honey compare?
1] Healthy honey has 100% organic certification.
NO toxic chemicals… NO synthetic antibiotics…
Bees distanced from all polluted areas.

How does your local honey compare?
2] Healthy honey has NOT been subjected to any heat treatment.

How does your local honey compare?
3] Healthy honey has NOT been filtered to remove its nutritious pollen.

How does your local honey compare?
4] Healthy honey comes from bees that do NOT feed on sugar solution.

How does your local honey compare?
5] Healthy honey is of the highest quality (TOTALLY UNPROCESSED), and it’s carefully harvested by savvy beekeepers.

1] Buy Honey (Ultra Pure)
2] Buy Honey (Ultra Pure)

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