Extra Virgin Olive Oil… Buy It Here

If you’re not already aware, there’s massive fraudulent activity within the olive oil industry. And, it’s very difficult to know exactly how to avoid all of those fake olive oils out there in the world. Here’s where you can be 100% confident that you’re buying authentic, organic, extra-virgin olive oil.

3 liter tin
3 liter bag in a box

CLICK HERE for some confirmedly sublime, organic EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil).

“This Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is very nice. It’s buttery, smooth and fresh tasting. The thickness of the oil is perfect to the palate.”
Val from Minnesota

Simply The Best!
Authenticity guaranteed, lovingly produced in Greece, cold extracted, 100% organic, extra-virgin olive oil from sustainably sourced and hand picked olives that have been pressed within 24 hours of harvest.

CLICK HERE to experience the spectacular taste of what Dianne calls… the superstar of olive oils.

Oil Up For Beauty
Are you aware that EVOO also has a plethora of uses for skin, nail and hair care? It’s wonderful as a cleansing and moisturizing scrub for the face and body (mingle it with any unrefined salt), and it’s awesome as an anti-aging treatment for the face and neck (combine it with a bit of pure raw honey and essential oils). To boot, EVOO is marvelous as both a shave cream and a makeup remover. What’s more, use EVOO to heal wounds by mixing it with some wine or vinegar (Luke 10:34). With all this stated, get slick and oil up.

Interesting Tidbits From The Producer

• Originating from single sourced olives… this olive oil is pure, organic, extra-virgin and ultra rich in polyphenols.

• Our luscious, sublime olive oil has the desirable status of the European Commission’s PGI (Protected Geographic Indicator) certification.

• Printed on every bottle/tin is a harvest date, production date, lot number and 24 month expression date.

• This is oil from carefully hand-picked olives… olives that have soaked in the Grecian sun for months.

• For our cold-pressed oil, we use the Koroneiki olive with its grand complexity and the Athinolia olive with its intense fruitiness.

• Every batch of our olive oil undergoes testing at two independent 3rd-party labs… one in the EU, one in the U.S.

• We harvest from each tree once annually, and most of our trees are hundreds of years old. For you, this means fruit that’s extraordinarily flavorful and nutrient-dense.

• To fill our 3 liter tin, we press the olives from an entire tree… 3 liters equals to a little bit more than 3 quarts and 5 ounces.

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